Friday 29 May
Another blank day, well sort of blank. Today we had another slow start and I caught up on some more of my jet lag. Will it ever go away?
We went into Petaluma where Deb had to do some work while I strolled around agian. I love this little town, every time I go there I see something else. Later in the day we went to watch Chance, Deb’s grandson play his last game of Baseball for the year. The kids had a ball again and were presented with their pennants, badges and trophies. Kid sport being what is is now, they all got the same stuff. Mediocrity rules! The photo is the Pub that will be my watering hole while I am here.
Saturday 30 May
With and early start to the day Deb and I (sans coffee and breakfast) drove south along the Redwood Highway (Route 101) to Mill Valley (http://www.cityofmillvalley.org) where we righted the breakfast wrong and had a great cup of coffee and some rather excellent pastries. Mill Valley is a collection of wonderful houses that cling to the edge of the precipitous slopes of the surrounding mountains and hills. Mt Tamalpais is to the West and the Muir Woods National Monument is in between. Muir Woods is our destination for today where we will do Deb’s favorite walk (and now mine) through the last remaining stand of old redwood forest in the San Francisco area.
Have a look at the Web Site at (http://www.nps.gov/muwo/). I have never seen trees that equal the ones that we were walking under and between. The walk took us about four hours and at every turn there was just something else to take the breath away. Nearing the top of our walk the trees reached up into the fog and the moisture collected on the leave fell down on us as if it was raining.
I took a million photographs of the trees and the general area including some of the very tame wild life. I saw my first chipmunk and the little fella was so tame that when I stood still he came up and had a good look at my boots. Shortly after we came across two very small deer grazing happily about two metres from the trail. Their mum was nowhere around so she must be happy for her babes to go off on their own.
I could wax lyrical about the walk today and still not
do it justice. This is undoubtably one of the best experiences in the US to date.
We had to rush off home early because I was due to meet Deb’s daughter Heather along with TJ and their son Chance for a trip to the Baseball. For some reason I had wanted to go to the baseball when I came here and this was the only opportunity to do so for some time.
We took a special ‘baseball ferry’ from San Rafael Ferry terminal, a trip that took us right to the AT&T Ball Park which is the home of the San Francisco Giants. The Giants have won the last three of their games so we were all pretty happy about seeing them tonight but alas they went down to the Saint Louis Orioles.
What a spectacle! The best way I can explain it is that the Baseball Game is probably the main event. The stadium itself it three or four levels of food hall and sundry other shops that sell everything SF Giants related. You can buy just about any kind of food that takes your fancy and ... wait for this. Each seat has a menu on it from which you can order food from a number of the food stalls. A person will come to your seat, fill out your order, swipe and deduct the cost from your credit card and then deliver the fare right back to your seat in the twinkling of an eye. You can also order from people walking around (or in the case of the fairy floss sales man - running) and you can get (apart from fairy floss in bags of five flavours) corn dogs (don’t ask) chips and nuts, ice cream, hot pretzels, hot chocolate and coffee, soft drinks and of course pop corn.
Did I also mention that there was a baseball game to watch?
What an incredible experience which I wouldn’t have missed for quids.
Sunday 31 May
Today Deb has invited some friends over for brunch. Lili is a very old friend of Deb’s and her partner Greg is a building contractor and long time resident of the area. They have both done a fair bit of touring around the area and Greg was able to give me some tips on what to do and what to see on my bicycle shakedown tour that begins next Friday. He also knows all the good local restaurants which will come in handy.
We had rather a lazy afternoon and I spent it updating my blogs and photos while Deb had a much needed sleep. As I write this it is 4pm and the sun has not long burned through the heavy layer of fog that hovers overhead from very early morning. The sea fog is a feature of the area and sometimes will last well into Summer. I am told that I will encounter in on my ride so some warm cycling pants may be on the shopping list.
I am still trying to get myself a tent for the trip. I have found a good one but it seems that the company doesn’t like international credit cards so I may have to find another one or find another way of paying for the one I want. I am sure it will sort itself out.
Monday 25 May
Memorial Day Holiday
Pt Reyes Station is a wonderful little town at the head of a long bay called Tomales Bay. The bay is directly over the San Andreas fault and the seaward side is moving northward at a fairly reasonable geological rate. You wont notice it if you sit watching with a cup of coffee and a piece of apple pie but I have it on good advice that it is actually happening. The bay is lined with a series of small villages and farming communities and OYSTER BARS. Some of these places offer oysters straight out of the bay and they are not bad. Lunch, albeit being a bit late, was a dozen barbequed oysters (six each) a cup of excellent chowder and a dozen fresh oysters. If this isn’t heaven, please tell me what is.
We did ‘sing for our supper’ though. Deb and I did a great walk from the top of Drakes View Rd into the park through some beautiful forests and windswept scrubland. The pinnacle of the walk, Pt Reyes Hill, would have given us a superb view of Creamery Bay, Schooner Bay and Home Bay then on to the Ocean but there was a fairly thick and low sea fog that precluded this but the view was nevertheless excellent. We met a fellow hiker who went out of his way to show us some of the local landmarks and we had a good long chat with him about the park and walking in general. I have to say that people here are very friendly and extremely helpful.
This was the second of our walks and every bit as good and different as the previous one.
Tuesday 26 May
Deb works from 10 till 6 todays so I have decided to go into Petaluma with her and spend the day looking around. Petaluma is a fairly big commercial area with a number of great eateries, some incredible antique shops and a good few clothing shops. I cant get used to the mix of shops here. In a large centre like this there are no newsagents, nor the normal assortment of Mobile Phone retailers, department stores, supermarkets etc. All of these are in the myriad of shopping plazas that spring up around the place in what seems to be random order. I have been to one large shopping Plaza so far and that is in Santa Rosa but apart from that they seem to be missing in action. Newsagents don’t exist, one buys ones papers from coin operated boxes that defy my ability to extract a newspaper from them even though I appear to put the correct amount of change in the little slot.
All the other paraphernalia that one buys at newsagents one gets from Drug Stores (these places even sell cigarettes), stationers, supermarkets (magazines) etc. I suppose I would get used to the changes but it is sometimes frustrating not to be able to get all you need in the one area, you have to do a fair bit of driving from one plaza to the next.
Lunch today was beside the Petaluma River and I had an excellent steak sandwich with some equally excellent coffee followed up by a biscotti. I also celebrated my visit to town by having a haircut (yes I do need to do this occasionally). The chairs in the barber shop were straight out of a 30’s movie and there was even a brass spittoon in the corner. I resisted testing my skill in the spittoon but it was difficult. Al, that was the name of the barber, gave me an excellent cut and I didn’t have to mortgage the ranch to pay for it so that was good as well.
Speaking of ranches and 30’s movies, toward the end of the day aI spotted a Saloon and Dance Hall that happened to be open and trading so I topped off an interesting day in Petaluma with a Sierra Neveda (beer) and half an hour with a newspaper that was left behind by someone who obviously has more skill with the box thingys that sell papers.
Wednesday 27 May
Today Deb and I did a bit of work on her business logo, cards and advertising material. We have come up with a pretty good logo and some business stationery that Deb likes. They need a bit of tweaking but I think generally she is happy with the result.
Deb is out for most of today so I get to spend some time reading and doing some computer work and really exciting stuff like washing.
Thursday 28 May
Another Yoga day today and we had three in the class this morning. Deb is a great Yogi and I find the classes very relaxing. The Yoga has done wonders for my crook back (from carting two suitcases around) and I can fully recommend Dru Yoga to anyone. You don’t need to be able to turn your self inside out or touch your toes with the tip of your nose. Just good gentle body work and relaxation.
Of course, after Yoga we had to have breakfast so today’s offering was a blueberry waffle and an excellent Latte (they don’t do flat white here). We had a bit of a walk around then headed back to the car for home.
We decided to go to the movies tonight to see Angels and Demons. Great movie and of course the pop corn etc were also excellent. What you do here is order your pop corn (popped in butter) then you go to a counter and add extra liquid butter and various flavours. There are no Choc Tops so that is a minus.